Zygomaticus Minor
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information The zygomaticus minor muscle is one that controls facial expressions. It originates from the malar bone and continues along with the orbicularis oculi found on the lateral face for the levator labii superioris. It is...
Zygomaticus Major
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information The zygomaticus major muscle is located within the face and draws the angles of the mouth posteriorly and superiorly. Like all the muscles that control facial expression, the zygomaticus major is innervated from the...
Orbicularis Oculi
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information Orbicularis oculi is the muscle surrounding the eye. Literal meaning The little circle muscle of the eye. Interesting information Orbicularis oculi is a skeletal muscle of the face that surrounds the eye and is...
Orbicularis Oris
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information Orbicularis oris are the muscles located above the upper lip and below the bottom lip. Literal meaning The little circle muscle of the mouth. Interesting information Orbicularis oris are the skeletal muscles that form...
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information The Risorius is a muscle that controls facial expressions arising within the fascia that is over the parotid gland. It passes horizontally forward, inserting onto the skin at an angle of the mouth and is superficial to...
Skull or Facial Fracture
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
A facial fracture is when one or more of the bones in your face end up broken. The bones in the face encompass those surrounding the eye, nose, jaw and cheekbones. Facial fractures might end up causing damage to surrounding tissue. Facial...
Levator Labii Superioris
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information Levator labii superioris is one of the muscles of facial expression. Literal meaning The muscle that lifts the upper lip. Interesting information Levator labii superioris, also called quadratis labii superioris, is a...
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is a facial muscle that lifts the upper lip and flares the nostrils. Literal meaning The muscle from the wing of the nose that elevates the upper lip. Interesting information Levator...
Levator Anguli Oris
Posted on 30th Jul 2020
General information Levator anguli oris is one of the muscles of facial expression. Literal meaning The muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth Interesting information Levator anguli oris is a facial muscle that arises from the canine...