Tear Trough Overview

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Tear Trough Overview

Tear Trough Overview

What are tear troughs, under eye hollows, and eye bags?

Tear troughs are the grooves that sit between the lower eyelid and the cheeks. They create a hollow at the junction between the lower eyelid and the cheek. In many cases, tear troughs are genetic rather than a result of ageing, and often arise in the early twenties. Pseudo-tear troughs appear similar in appearance to tear troughs, but the difference is they the skin is not tethered to the underlying muscles. The groove of a pseudo-tear trough can be improved by pulling the skin to one side or pressing on the upper cheek. These manoeuvres temporarily fill the tear troughs as the skin is lifted up by doing so. With true tear troughs, the skin is tethered and cannot be improved with these manoeuvres.

Another common concern of the lower eyelid area are eye bags. Eye bags appear as bulges of the lower eyelid, and can be a fat or fluid filled. Although eye bags were previously thought to have been a result of laxity of the lower eyelid muscles allowing fat to protrude, they mostly occur due to fat in the mid-cheek falling away from the lower eyelid, causing the lower eyelid to look protruded in relation to the cheek.

The transition from the eyes to the cheeks becomes interrupted by the presence of eye bags and tear troughs, and this can be ageing or be associated with looking tired.


Tear Trough Symptoms

Tear Trough Symptoms

What are tear troughs, under eye hollows, and eye bags?

Sunken eyes are usually the result of aging or health issues that are of less concern still. Treatment options can include both medicinal and home remedies that use natural ingredients.

The skin under the eyes is delicate, which is why it sometimes appears sunken and has darker coloring than elsewhere on the face.Age plays a role in sunken eyes but other factors can contribute, so it may affect younger people as well.Most people notice sunken eyes when they look in the mirror. The exact appearance will differ from person-to-person.


Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes Causes

Causes of Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes?

Most cases of sunken eyes relate to the quality of an individual's nutrition and healthy living.

When these causes are corrected, sunken eyes can resolve without further treatment. This means that causes can be avoided or treated in good time to prevent the recurrence of sunken eyes.

Below are some examples of health and lifestyle issues affecting the skin under the eyes:


The most common cause of sunken eyes is dehydration, or not having enough water in the body. Consuming too much coffee, soda, and prepackaged drinks may cause diuretic effects, including increased production of urine, which may lead to dehydration.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Deficiencies of vitamin C, vitamin K, and iron can cause eyes to become sunken. In fact, "hollow" eyes is one of the symptoms of undernutrition, as reported in the SM Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.

Vitamin C helps with absorbing iron and decreasing bruising, whereas vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.Deficiencies in one or both of these vitamins can lead to easy bruising, unhealthy skin, and sunken eyes.

Sleep Issues

Not enough sleep or poor quality sleep can cause sunken eyes and discoloration of the delicate skin just below the eyes.

According to a 2017 report from the National Sleep Foundation, good quality sleep has the following necessary elements: • sleeping for much of the time in bed

  • taking no more than 30 minutes to fall asleep

  • waking no more than once per night

  • not being awake for more than 20 minutes during the night


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and gives the skin its strength and flexibility.As the body ages, it tends to lose collagen. The first place where collagen loss is most noticeable is the skin under the eyes. The loss of collagen causes the eyes to settle back into the eye sockets, making the eyes appear sunken.

Weight loss

Most people tend to lose weight in their face first. Sometimes, the weight loss is dramatic enough to cause blood vessels below the eyes to become prominent, and the skin to be transparent, producing the appearance of sunken eyes.


Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes Causes


It is possible for sunken eyes to be caused by a person's genetics or DNA. As an example of the effect of DNA, the position of the eyes in the sockets is due largely to genetics.


Smoking causes collagen and skin elasticity degradation. These losses can cause the skin in the face to sag and the eyes to appear sunken.


Allergies can cause the eyes to sink and dark circles to form under them. These effects are attributable to inflammation in the tiny blood vessels below the eyes or blocked nasal passages, which can be associated with allergies.

Sinus infections

Inflamed sinuses are another culprit of sunken eyes. Nasal congestion and pressure are symptoms of a sinus infection and should be brought to the attention of a doctor.


Any injury to the face or the bones around the eyes can cause the eyes to appear sunken. Most orbital fractures heal within a few weeks or months. However, many fractures are orbital blowout fractures, where the bony rim of the eye is intact, but the thin floor of the eye socket has ruptured or cracked.


Tear Trough Risk Factor

Risk Factor of Tear Trough



Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes Treatment


The dark pigmented skin together with a hollow space beneath your eyes also takes a toll in your appearance. A sunken eye is caused due to aging, lifestyle habits, not getting sufficient rest and sun exposure. Although sunken eyes have exclusive medical treatments, you can ease away the dark circles and get rid of the sunken eyes with minimal efforts.

1. Sleep:

Yes! This is the real, primary and an effective home remedy for sunken eyes. As mentioned earlier, a sunken eye is a slow outcome that represents need for good rest and sleep. Sound sleep is in fact a great preventive medicine to stay away from myriad of lifestyle diseases. Get adequate sleep to gradually heal the sunken eyes. Schedule your time to bed and time to wake up and stick to that routine. Ensure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every day. Besides, it makes no harm if you take a small nap during the day not more than 30 minutes!

2. Almond Oil

When you have sunken eyes, the skin will be very delicate. The skin under the eyes is more likely to lose the nutrients. You need to nourish the skin to get rid of the hollow space. Apply almond oil under the eyes several times a day. Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, a nourishing vitamin for skin.Alternatively, you can simply use vitamin E capsules. Buy the OTC vitamin E capsule and break open capsule, apply the oil on the hollow eyes.

3. Raw Potato

JuiceWhen we think about treating the sore eyes, most of us prefer cucumber. Raw potatoes are equally potential to heal the sore eyes and dark circles. Slice the potatoes and place it on the affected spot for around 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can apply the juice of raw potato directly on the hollow spots. The skin become soft and you will find noticeable improvement in the pigmented spots.

4. Tea Bags

With rich antioxidants and flavonoids, using tea bags improves sunken eyes by promoting blood circulation. The sore and darker skin gets replenished with improved blood circulation. It also relaxes the eye muscles and soothes the nerves. You can place the warm as well as cool tea bags as you desire. It is good if you can use green tea bags. Please read my earlier post on tea bags from July 2016 (titled: "caffeinate your eyes to perk them up").

5. Moisturizing Sunscreen

Never ever try to move out in the sun without wearing a moisturizing sunscreen. Invest in some good quality moisturizing sunscreen to prevent further damage to the sunken eyes.

6. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a natural ingredient that nourishes the skin. It improves the skin complexion and adds radiance to the skin. You can apply the sandalwood paste on the dark circles or go with sandalwood essential oils. Either way, it improves the dark circles, soothes the tired skin and gives a replenished skin.


Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes Treatment

7. Splash cold water

Here is another trick to improve the blood circulation in your face to improve the hollow eyes. Just splash some cold water on your face. Even running water would do!

8. Cucumber

Any remedy for healing eye problem never completes without using cucumber. Get some rest by placing sliced cucumber on eyes and wake up with fresh, rejuvenated and energetic eyes.

9. Vitamin K For Sunken Eyes

The intake of vitamin K helps to lighten the under-eye area. This vitamin improves blood flow to the area, thus helping to lighten the darkened skin (9). Foods such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, carrots, and strawberries are rich in vitamin K and should be included in your daily diet. Other beneficial foods to treat sunken eyes include tomatoes, berries, potatoes, plums, and beans.


Tear Trough or Sunken Eyes Treatment

Experimental treatments

Doctors are continually trying new strategies to reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds without surgery.

One option is the use of growth factor, a chemical that stimulates cell growth. A 2015 study evaluated growth factor concentrate injections in 80 people with nasolabial folds.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

The muscles of the face can be toned just like any other group of muscles. Strong facial muscles make it easier to control facial expressions. Just as a toned stomach may look less saggy, a toned face may look tighter.

While frequent smiling can worsen nasolabial folds, a person should not try to refrain from smiling. Laughter and smiling have positive effects on a person's mental health and are important social cues.

Some people claim that facial exercises can strengthen the muscles surrounding nasolabial folds, potentially making them less noticeable.

There is little or no scientific research on the effectiveness of these exercises, but they are not harmful. Anyone who wishes to try them can do so safely and may find them beneficial.

Exercises for nasolabial folds include:

  • Puckering the lips in an upward motion, as if kissing the ceiling. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 4–5 times.

  • Puckering the lips into a pouting motion, then pulling the corners of the mouth out. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 4–5 times.

  • With the mouth slightly open, pull on its corners with both index fingers, pulling the corners of the mouth further apart. Hold for 2–3 seconds, and repeat 25–50 times.A person can do these exercises every day.


There is no method for preventing nasolabial folds — even children have them when they smile.Those who would like to prevent them from getting deeper or more pronounced should wear sunscreen and protect their face from the sun. This can slow the damage of the sun's harmful UV rays.


Nasolabial folds are a normal part of the face, not a defect. Although they can grow or deepen over time and as a result of smiling, there is no medical need to treat them.

People who are bothered by their nasolabial folds should speak with a skilled plastic surgeon or physician who specializes in aesthetic treatments.

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